Here are some of the questions that a lady will ask you when she starts developing feelings for you.

1. What type of lady do you like?

This question may seem weird to some people, but when a lady asks you this question, it means she feels something for you. She will want to know the kind of lady you like so as to let her if she has a chance with you.

She will ask you if you like tall ladies or short, she will also ask if your like fair ladies or black ladies, she will also ask about the physical attributes you like in ladies. She just wants to be sure if she has a chance of winning your heart.

2. What is your favorite color?

Here is another funny question a lady will ask you when she starts developing feelings for you. She wants to know this so as to put on something that suits your taste. Like the color of her dress, she will want to wear something that suits her color.

So when a lady asks you about your favorite color and you discover that she has changed from the way she dresses, she now wears something that suits the color you like, it’s a sign that she feels something for you.

3. What is your birth month?

It is only a lady that feels something for you that can ask you this question. She will want to know your birth month so she can know how to prepare her present and special package for you. Some ladies also ask this question in order to know if you share the same month with them.

If they find out that you share the same month with them, they will conclude that you’re their perfect match.