A thirteen-year-old girl, Juliana Kamara, along with Mabinty Kamara and Ramatu Kamara, made their first appearance on Wednesday, 18th December 2024, before Magistrate Sahr Kekura at Pademba Road Magistrate Court No. 1 in Freetown. They are accused of allegedly stealing over Ten Thousand United States Dollars (USD 10,000) from complainant Willimina Thompson.
The accused persons are facing two count charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and larceny contrary to Section 2 of the Larceny Act of 1916.
According to the charge sheet, it was alleged that the accused on a date unknown between August to October 2024, at Congo Cross in Freetown, conspired together to steal Ten Thousand, Six Hundred United State Dollars (USD 10,600) equivalent to Two Hundred and Forty Thousand and Seventeen New Leones (NLE 240,017.00) property of Willimina Thompson.
When the charges were read and explained to the accused persons, no plea was taken because of the amount of money involved.
In his testimony, the witness who is the complainant said she is a pensioner and she recognized all three accused persons in the dock.
According to the complainant, she recalled on the said date, testifying that she was at home when the third accused person, Ramatu Kamara met her and told her that she wants her daughter, the first accused, Juliana to stay with her and she agreed.
In the course of testifying however, the complainant became so emotional and started showing signs of some sort of health complications.
The Prosecutor, ASP Ibrahim Mansaray at this juncture sought for an adjournment.
Defence Counsel, A. Mansaray prior to the adjournment made an application for bail positing that the accused persons have reliable sureties who are willing and ready to stand for them, and assured that they would not jump bail.
Furthering his bail application, Counsel Mansaray informed the Magistrate that the first accused person, Juliana is a juvenile of just thirteen years and a school-going kid.
He furthered that the second accused, Mabinty Kamara is a lactating mother and that denying her bail would have an effect on her baby.
His bail application was in pursuant to Section 79 (23) of the Criminal Procedure Act No.32 of 1965.
Having heard the bail application, Magistrate Kekura granted bail to the juvenile, Juliana but refused bail to both the second and third accused persons.
Even if they found them guilty, their is no facility or building to detain underage in this country.
I strongly believe this case will go nowhere because there’s no proof of them taking the money.