In a startling revelation, the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of Sierra Leone has apprehended four junior police officers on allegations of involvement in a bribery scandal. Shockingly, their superiors implicated in the same incident are reportedly roaming free.

Standard Times Newspaper reports that sources close to the investigation disclosed that a Nigerian national was recently apprehended by a police team led by Commissioner of Police Joseph Lahai, Director of Crime Services. During the arrest, the Nigerian purportedly offered a staggering sum of $21,000 to the arresting officers in exchange for his escape—an offer the officers allegedly accepted.

The intricate web of corruption spun further as the Nigerian reportedly initiated a $20,000 mobile transfer to a specific bureau operated by a fellow Nigerian. However, the bureau could only muster $15,000, allegedly collected by an officer identified as Alpha, stationed at the INTERPOL Headquarters.

The tangled chain of bribery allegedly extended upwards as Superintendent Mohamed Sidibay, purportedly at the helm of INTERPOL, was accused of receiving the money from Alpha and forwarding it to Commissioner Lahai. Allegations claim that Lahai, the team leader, purportedly shared the ill-gotten gains, with each of the junior officers receiving $2,500, while Lahai pocketed the remaining $5,000, supposedly to be paid later by the forex bureau via an office aide named Sah.

As the investigation unfolded, Sidibay reportedly coughed up $5,000, while the other implicated officers contributed to a total of $8,400. Presently, they remain in custody, undergoing further scrutiny by the investigation team.

Startlingly, despite the alleged involvement of senior officers, including Lahai and Sidibay, in this bribery scheme, no action has reportedly been taken against them. The lack of repercussions against the higher-ups has raised questions about the impartiality and fairness of the ongoing probe conducted by the Police Complaint, Discipline, and Internal Investigations Department (CDIID).

The latest updates indicate partial compliance with producing the alleged bribe money, notably with Sidibay’s $5,000 contribution. However, the junior officers remain in custody while Lahai and his deputy purportedly remain at large, evading legal consequences.

As investigations persist, the situation continues to unfold, shedding light on a troubling scandal within the Sierra Leonean police force.