A Sierra Leonean Man, Andrew Sellu, who is suffering from an acute Liver Disease is seeking for financial support to treat his ailment.

Acute liver failure is loss of liver function that occurs quickly — in days or weeks — usually in a person who has no preexisting liver disease. It’s most commonly caused by a hepatitis virus or drugs, such as acetaminophen. Acute liver failure is less common than chronic liver failure, which develops more slowly.

Andrew Sellu was diagnosed with Liver problems two years ago and has been going from one hospital to the other for treatment but has not been seeing any improvement.

According to him, he has been treated for two years and his parents are in so much debts due to that but instead of getting better, his condition is getting worst.

Mr Sellu is currently in Kailahun undergoing treatment at the Kailahun Government Hospital. He said his parents want to take him to Freetown for advance treatment but they are financially strained at the moment.

He is therefore calling on kindhearted Sierra Leoneans and people out of Sierra Leone to come to his rescue as he is being through so much pain.

To help Andrew Sellu gets back to normal, kindly contact the numbers below:
073894114 or 075806871