The Union of SouthEast Districts (USED) under the All Peoples Congress Party embarked on a mission to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan by extending a helping hand to their Muslim comrades in Bonthe District.

The event, held on March 24, 2024, witnessed a remarkable gesture of generosity as essential items and funds were donated to support the Muslim community throughout Ramadan.

Addressing the gathering, Hon. Legacy Sankoh, the Regional Secretary South and Public Relations Officer of the Union, underscored the significance of peace and unity within the party. He highlighted the recent successful peace meeting held between the Regional Executive and announced plans for similar gatherings across other Districts, Constituencies, and Wards within the region to further promote harmony and cohesion among party members.

Chairing the event, Amb. James Barmy Kaindor, Chairman of the SouthEast Union, conveyed the Union’s commitment to fostering peace and unity among party members. He elucidated the primary objective of the Union and called upon all comrades to collaborate harmoniously for the advancement of the party and the nation.

The generous donation, comprising substantial quantities of rice and cash, was a collective effort by Union members keen on supporting their Muslim comrades during Ramadan. Kaindor expressed gratitude for the significant financial and moral support received, particularly acknowledging Hon. Sidie Yayah Tunis, the Godfather of the South, who, despite being unable to attend, played a pivotal role in the initiative. He urged everyone to uphold peace within the party and inspire greater dedication among members.

Mr. Mohamed Sheriff, Chairman of Bonthe District and Secretary of the SouthEast Union, received the donated items on behalf of the district. In a heartfelt speech, Sheriff assured that the donation would reach its intended recipients and extended profound appreciation on behalf of the people of Bonthe District.

The event witnessed the participation of several distinguished figures, including Councillor Daddy Avondor, Veteran Chairman of Ward 326, Ibrahim Jalloh, Acting Constituency Chairman 092, and Madam Rugiatu Bah, the District Chairlady. They voiced their support and gratitude to the Union, urging frequent visits to invigorate party supporters and prepare them for forthcoming party activities and elections.

Prominent members of the entourage included Mr. Amidu Keita, Bo District Chairman, Mr. Hindolo Musa, Deputy Chairman of Pujehun District, Madam Kadie Massaquoi, Chairlady of Pujehun District, and Alusine Kamara, Deputy District Secretary of Kenema.

Following the success of the event in Bonthe District, similar donations are slated to take place in Moyamba and all seven districts in the days ahead, as the Union of SouthEast Districts reaffirms its commitment to supporting the Muslim community during the sacred month of Ramadan.