Former Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Sylvia Olayinka Blyden said she will complain SLAJ iVerify’s editor, Victor Jones to the Independent Media Commission (IMC).

The tussle surfaced after iVerify, a fact-checking platform, said Blyden’s commentary on the National Election Watch (NEW) analysis of 24 June election result was fake.

“No the claim made by Sylvia Olayinka Blyden on her Facebook account claiming that Marcella Samba Sesay’s NEW gave Results for only 747 of 11,832 polling stations is false,” iVerify said hours after Blyden claimed that NEW’s projections were inaccurate.

Blyden also reacted to the statement made against her by iVerify claiming that they were the platform was wrong to say that she was inaccurate in her analysis. She urged them to retract their position.

Some members of the public thought that the issue was done and settled but a recent post by the former minister indicated otherwise.

“A man so ignorant about how legal statutory instruments are passed by Parliament, got put in charge of SLAJ’s iVerify was writing so much garbage as “fact-checking” for public domain,” Blyden said after Jones was quoted by a foreign media about APC’s boycott of Parliament.

She revealed that she has notified SLAJ President, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla of her intended action against Jones.

“I have just sent to tell SLAJ President that Jones will have a date with me on my return to Freetown when I drag him for redress at the Independent Media Commission,” she said.