The Bo City Council has taken a substantial step towards enhancing access to clean water by launching a Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project in Bo-Sierra Leone.

This initiative, led by the council, is dedicated to delivering clean water to educational institutions, underserved communities, and healthcare facilities within Bo City.

Under the leadership of His Worship the Mayor of Bo City, Kobba Musa, and in collaboration with Deputy Mayor Mrs. Hawa Campbell, Deputy Chief Administrator Henry Powell, and other Council technical staff, the delegation diligently identified sites for the construction of essential WASH facilities.

The WASH project, executed by the local Non-Governmental Organization, the Institute of Development and Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA), represents a crucial stride towards elevating sanitation and hygiene standards in the region. Simon Olagai, IDHA’s Program Director, emphasized that this endeavor serves as a pilot project for the broader Sierra Leone initiative.

Scheduled to commence in late November, the project’s estimated timeline spans approximately one year, with the primary construction work taking place during the dry season to ensure optimal progress. The pilot phase will concentrate its efforts on four key locations: Kakua Government Junior Secondary School, Methodist High School, Gbongo market, and the Gbortima Health Centre.

Notably, the project’s viability is underpinned by the generous funding extended by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints Charity, highlighting the crucial role of collaboration between local authorities and philanthropic organizations in addressing critical concerns, such as access to clean water. The WASH project holds the promise of significantly improving the well-being and health of the communities it serves, marking a commendable stride towards universal clean water access in Bo City.