A boy of age 7 identified as Ansu Borbor Koroma is reportedly dead after been stuck by lightning during thunderstorm in Luguama Village, Samba Section in the Kpanga Chiefdom of Pujehun District, Southern Sierra Leone.

According to the report, the unfortunate incident took place between 18:00 to 19:00 hours of Wednesday 12th July 2023 while at home with his parents in the aforementioned village.

Report from the Community Relations and Information Officer of the Pujehun Police Division stated that the incident was reported by one Brima Musa through the speaker of Kpanga Chiefdom, Samuel Munda Kamara on Thursday 13th July 2023.

The complainant disclosed that the deceased was lying on his stomach with a cutlass underneath him and the side of his trouser was burnt.

A team of police officers headed by the crime officer, all attached to the Pujehun Police Division immediately visited the scene and obtained an eyewitness statement to aid the investigations.

A physical examination was conducted by a nurse from the community health center and the corps was handed over to the family for burial.