The Gbendembu Baptist Junior Secondary School, in Gbendembu town, Gbendembu Ngowa Chiefdom, Bombali District, has been given a huge boost by the government of President Julius Maada Bio with funds provided by the European Union and monitored by the National Authorising Office.
The school, located in former President Ernest Bai Koroma’s home district has been provided with solar power, providing electricity for school pupils to conduct extra classes and aid their evening studies.
The school also has a library, science laboratory and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities.
“The government of President Bio under the FQE is determined to create a very conducive atmosphere for Sierra Leonean pupils to get quality education. Better school environments and facilities support improved education outcomes,” a SLPP social media page stated.
They added that, “This also shows the inclusive nature of the programs of President Julius Maada Bio as he takes development to every nook and cranny irrespective of the political leaning of those people. No community, chiefdom or district should be left behind.
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