Six accused persons alleged to have taken part in the September 11th demonstration within the Northern city of Makeni have been remanded on Wednesday 13th September 2023.

The six were arraigned before the presiding magistrate of the Bombali District Magistrate Court in Makeni – Magistrate Mustapha Brima Jah on three count charges of unlawful assembly, unlawful possession, and disorderly behavior contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

The State alleged that on Monday 11th September 2023, the six persons were seen in different locations in Makeni city engaging in illegal demonstrations, and they were behaving disorderly.

Police prosecutors say the accused persons were arrested separately around NP area, Rogbaneh Road, Masuba Road, and other places

Among the six accused persons, three (all women) have pleaded guilty to all of the counts charged and pleaded to Magistrate Jah to temper justice with mercy.

Magistrate Jah refused and remanded the three women until 18th September 2023 for their sentence.

However, the other set of accused persons (all men) denied the allegations when the charges were read to them. The magistrate also remanded the three men and adjourned the matter to September 20, 2023.

Sgt 7742 Koroma. B is the lead prosecutor of the matter.