Bundu Foundation, a charitable and Humanitarian organization based in Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone, has on Saturday 11th May 2024 donated bags of cement to three secondary schools in Dasogoia and Simiria Chiefdoms.

The Baptist Primary School in Bumbuna, Nimoyira Islamic Secondary School and the Benevolent Islamic Secondary School in Mabonto were the three schools that benefited from the Foundation’s goodwill gesture.

According to Ibrahim Bundu Kamara, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, the bags of cement were generously donated to the three schools to complete several of its developmental projects. CEO Ibrahim Bundu Kamara says he was informed about the ongoing construction of fences and school buildings which prompted him and the Foundation to step up.

“The foundation was founded to help our people and vulnerable communities in Tonkolili District. And we’re doing it today for the pupils and teachers of the three schools in Bumbuna and Mabonto,” CEO Bundu stated.

As a foundation, the CEO said they are always available to help building a society where current and future generations will thrive in all aspects of life.


During the donation that took place separately in Bumbuna and Mabonto, 15 bags of cement were donated to the Baptist Primary School in Bumbuna, 10 bags to the Nimoyira Islamic Secondary School in Bumbuna and 15 bags to the Benevolent Islamic Secondary School in Mabonto.

Recently, the donation undertook other developmental projects around Sambaia, Dasogoia, Kalanthuba and Simiria Chiefdoms all in the Tonkolili District.

On behalf of the three Secondary Schools, Alie Jalloh expressed happiness to the Foundation which he said has redeemed the administration of the three schools from financial burden. Jalloh is the Principal of the Benevolent Islamic Secondary School in Mabonto. He thanked the Bundu Foundation and the founder for what he says is their timely intervention.

Like Jalloh, the other administrative heads of the three schools shared similar happiness. Founded in February 2024, the Bundu Foundation has so impacted residents around Tonkolili District in the area of education, agriculture, health and other human capital development.

CEO Ibrahim Bundu Kamara informed the audience during the presentation that the cement is a start up. The Foundation, he said will by time to time monitor the ongoing construction of the fences and school buildings, and it step up where it is necessary.