In a bid to enhancing sustainable development and propagating the cries and voices of the people of Karene District, Abdul Kandeh Turay the District Council Chairman has called on the attention of the central government and other related stakeholders to help in enhancing sustainable development for the people of Karene District.

He revealed that,the people of Karene are living in abject poverty and are in great need of support which the Council may build on to achieve it desired objectives in uplifting the lives of the people, adding that, generating the own source revenue is one of the major challenges they are faced with.

He stated that the report produced by IGR led by Andrew Lavalie puts his District last in terms of revenue generation and mobilization which he noted is a cause for concern, disclosing that they will soon visit all Chiefdoms to convince people to pay their property tax, license fee, market dues among others, noting that they will be using the revenue to undertake development projects in the respective communities.

He maintained that for the first time in the Council they will be spending over four hundred million old Leones (Le400M) to rehabilitate the Karene District Education Committee (KDEC) Primary School in Kamakwie Town and that the school buildings were completely destroyed by heavy wind late last year which has affected the education of the children attending that school.

The Chairman furthered that, they have advocated for all students who were supposed to do their MCH course in Makeni to do it in Kamakwie thereby saving cost and accommodation constraints and that was a major success upon achievement.

He revealed that, his administration took over amidst several uncompleted projects that are being funded by the European Union, citing the construction of grain stores at Foredugu and Samaya and some culverts.

He said with serious lobbying some of these projects have been completed and are ready for commissioning before the end of the month.

He lauded the support and cooperation he is receiving from all stakeholders including the police, military, Office of National Security (ONS) in the dispensation of their work.