A concerned citizen has raised urgent alarms about a precarious building situated at Mountain Cut, near the hill bypass road opposite the Circular Road Cemetery, adjacent to the garage.

The individual has called upon the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) and the Freetown City Council (FCC) to take immediate action, citing the building’s impending collapse as a severe risk not only to its residents and businesses but also to the surrounding neighborhood.

The deteriorating structure has shown clear signs of instability, prompting fears that it could give way at any moment. The concerned citizen emphasized the dire need for preventive measures, highlighting that disaster prevention should be prioritized over disaster response.

“Addressing the situation now could save lives and prevent extensive damage,” the individual stated.

Residents and business owners in the vicinity have expressed growing anxiety about the potential catastrophe, urging local authorities to conduct a thorough assessment and implement necessary safety measures. The building’s vulnerable state has already disrupted daily activities, with some occupants reportedly seeking temporary accommodations due to safety concerns.

The NDMA and FCC have been urged to collaborate on an urgent inspection and, if needed, initiate an evacuation to mitigate any potential harm. The concerned citizen’s appeal underscores a broader call for improved disaster management strategies within the city. Effective disaster prevention can significantly reduce the risks associated with structural failures, ensuring the safety and well-being of communities.