Indian business man Pankaj Panchal on Wednesday 2nd March 2022, made his first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Court No 1 for converting Le339,875,140 worth of goods to himself.
The accused is charged with a count of fraudulent conversation contrary to Section 20 (1) (iv) (b) of the Larceny Act 1916. According to the charge sheet that accused Pankaj Panchal on a date unknown between 1st October to 31st December 2021, at Pamlap Lorry Park, Kambia, Northern Province, fraudulently converted to his own use or benefit quantities of alcohol products values three hundred and thirty-nine million, nine hundred and seventy-five thousand Leones entrusted to him for the purpose for sale, property of Naveen Kumar Jethaal.
According to Independent Observer Newspaper, when the charge was read to him, no plea was taken. Deputy Superintendent IG fofanah is prosecuting the matter. TM Ngombu Esq. is associating with the prosecution on the matter. Bail was refused. Mater was adjourned to 7th March 2022.