Sierra Leone’s Union of Academic Staff Association (UASA) has announced the suspension of its Industrial action effective immediately.
UASA acknowledges the efforts and commitments of the Government of Sierra Leone in trying to address burning welfare issues catalogued to University and Polytechnic Authorities comprising Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MLESS), Courts, Council and the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) which have been dialogued for over six months.
However, UASA communicates to the University and Polytechnic Authorities that the following are yet to be addressed:
i. Full implementation of the 2022-2024 Revised and Harmonised Conditions of Service,
ii. Use of the 2013 Promotion Criteria for Senior Academic and Administrative Staff in tertiary institutions until the enabling environment is created with no limitations to certain categories as in the case of Njala University;
iii. Advertisement for promotions at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology as it has been done at University of Sierra Leone and Njala University;
iv. Issuance of letters of appointment to staff of newly upgraded institutions;
v. Upgrade of salaries of staff of newly upgraded institutions,
vi. Promotion backlog payment to staff of new Universities and Polytechnic,
vii. Payment of increment in Rent and Medical Allowances:
viii. Full payment of Severance Benefits into the accounts of individual beneficiaries, and
ix. Full payment of the Sierra Leone Government Grants-in-Aid refunds to Public Universities and Polytechnic since 2014.
Wow! it’s ironically, one of the main flagship campaign message which turned out to be deceiving, illogical and unexperimental 🤪🤪🤪🤪🦿this dey sweet we🙌.. this is the outcome of giving power to someone that has never passed any class exams or make any positive input in school. You can only value something you suffered for.
Ooh sa lone ! Everything people dae politicise. Allah save this country from all those who are blinded by politics. From wae Africans started leading africans, there is always teachers sit down strke. For more than 50 years. Let’s now try to address our problems as sierra leoneans and stop using political lenses to look at our problems cos all of us will fail. That will not take us anywhere.