Major Musa Adazo Dassama, the 23rd witness for the Prosecution in the ongoing Court Martial trial, provided crucial testimony before the Judge Advocate and Board Members yesterday.

Major Dassama, Head of Communications at the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) and in charge of the Quick Reaction Force, shared insights from his over fifteen years of service within the RSLAF.

According to Major Dassama’s testimony on November 25th, 2023, he received intelligence from his superiors indicating a potential threat of violence in the capital by unidentified individuals. Acting swiftly, Major General Dauda Alpha, Commander Joint Force at RSLAF, along with Lieutenant Colonel Samai, attempted to contact Corporal Massaquoi, one of the seventeen accused, via Major Alpha’s phone. Following this communication, Massaquoi was located and instructed to ensure maximum security at the Arms and Ammunition Store at Wilberforce Barracks.

Major Dassama further testified that Major Alpha directed Major Bundu, Chief of Staff of the Joint Force, to organize a patrol team to collaborate with the Sierra Leone Police Headquarters for a joint patrol that night. On the morning of November 26th, 2023, Major Marrah reported an attack on the Wilberforce Armory by unidentified assailants to Major Dassama.

In response, Major Dassama promptly mobilized his Quick Reaction Force and received verbal instructions from Major Dauda Alpha to move the team to Wilberforce Barracks. Upon arrival, they were instructed to participate in operations led by Lieutenant Colonel Jah.

At the scene, Major Dassama observed a black Jeep entering the Arms and Ammunition Store. Despite attempts to reach Corporal Massaquoi, there was no response. Concerned, Major Dassama contacted Major Turay, Acting Commanding Officer of the Joint Communication Unit, to ascertain Massaquoi’s whereabouts.

Shortly afterward, a military officer dressed in a British military uniform emerged from the Arms Store wielding a grenade launcher. The officer discharged the launcher, injuring Corporal Kemo from the patrol team, who was promptly evacuated to the emergency hospital for urgent medical care.