A disabled man, Abu Bakarr Mansaray, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison by Acting Chief Justice Nicholas Browne Mark at the Freetown High Court after pleading guilty to manslaughter.

Mansaray was charged with killing his wife, Aminata Kamara, on December 24, 2022.

According to the indictment, Mansaray was accused of murdering Kamara after an altercation. The incident began the day before, on December 23, when Mansaray returned home and requested that Kamara prepare food for him. After eating, he asked her for sexual intercourse, which she refused. The following day, Mansaray repeated the request, and after another refusal, he assaulted her.

Kamara ran outside, crying, but neighbors advised her to return inside, where the argument continued. Military personnel later intervened and took Kamara to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

During his court appearance, Mansaray pleaded guilty and expressed remorse, admitting he did not intend to kill his wife. However, Justice Mark emphasized the need for accountability, stating, “It is not good for men to beat women,” and delivered the 12-year sentence as a warning to others.

Mansaray’s time already spent in custody will be considered as part of his sentence.