In the fight against the rampant trafficking and smuggling of harmful drugs, including Kush, Tramadol, and Cannabis Sativa, a significant event unfolded at the Kambia District Magistrate Court.

At approximately 09:30 hours, a coalition of security forces, encompassing Police, Military, ONS, Correctional Centre, and Fire Force, joined hands with various stakeholders such as the District Officer, Resident Lawyers, Media Practitioners, Civil Society representatives, members of the Council of Paramount Chiefs, and the LPPB. Together, they gathered to witness the symbolic ceremony of the disposal and burning down of a substantial quantity of dried green substances, reasonably suspected to be Kush and Cannabis Sativa.

These illicit substances, treated as Exhibits and in the custody of the court clerk, were set ablaze in the presence of Resident Magistrate George B. Samia. The event served as a powerful statement against the drug trade, emphasizing the district’s determination to combat this menace. (

Members of the public, expressing their gratitude, lauded the collective efforts of the security sector and other stakeholders involved in the fight against drugs. They commended the disposal ceremony as a bold step towards eradicating the drug problem within the district. Many pledged to cooperate fully, promising to provide accurate information on drug-related issues to further support the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies.

The symbolic burning of these confiscated drugs not only highlights the district’s commitment to curbing drug-related crimes but also sends a clear message to potential traffickers and smugglers. Kambia District stands united, sending a resounding message that illegal drug activities will not be tolerated, and the community is ready to actively contribute to a drug-free future.