Kambia District, Sierra Leone – Hon. Ernest Dura Koroma, the representative for Tonko Limba Chiefdom in Constituency 058, has expressed urgent concerns regarding the dire condition of the Tonko Limba road, which he describes as a “death trap” during the rainy season.

This vital roadway not only connects the Kambia town to the chiefdom but also serves as a crucial link to several remote villages in the district.

Hon. Koroma emphasized that the current state of the road is dangerous for residents and poses significant risks to their livelihoods.

“The road has become muddy and perilous, making it nearly impassable. The safety of our people is at stake,” he stated during a recent address.

The heavy rainfall has exacerbated the situation, leading to numerous incidents of vehicles getting stuck in deep potholes and treacherous mud.

Hon. Koroma noted that, as a result, motorbikes have become the primary mode of transport, reflecting the community’s struggle to navigate the deteriorating infrastructure.

Despite repeated appeals to relevant authorities, Hon. Koroma lamented the lack of action taken to address the road’s condition.

He has called on the government, specifically the Ministry of Works and the Sierra Leone Road Authority, to prioritize immediate repairs to ensure the road is safe and accessible for all residents.

“The Tonko Limba road must be restored to a usable state,” he insisted, urging the government to act swiftly after the rainy season concludes.

Hon. Koroma underlined that this road is not merely a route; it symbolizes connection and progress for the people of Tonko Limba.

As the situation remains critical, residents and local leaders alike await the government’s response, hoping for timely intervention that will restore safety and connectivity in the region.