A young man named James Jabaty was arrested on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, for impersonating a police officer in the Bo No. 2 Extension community.

Jabaty, notorious in the area, was apprehended while wearing a Police Operational Support Division (OSD) polo shirt, falsely presenting himself as a member of the Sierra Leone Police Force.

Residents, who had long been suspicious of Jabaty’s behavior, took matters into their own hands.

After detaining him, they handed Jabaty over to local authorities, who promptly escorted him to the office of the Regional Police Commander South, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Brima Kanneh.

Given the serious nature of the offense and its implications for public trust, AIG Kanneh ordered an immediate search of Jabaty’s residence.

The search yielded disturbing results. Among the items found were a pair of scissors and a knife, raising concerns about Jabaty’s intentions.

Further investigations revealed that Jabaty had been using a fake police ID card to impersonate an officer. This deception allowed him to intimidate and extort money from residents, particularly targeting vulnerable groups such as motorbike riders.

In his initial defense, Jabaty claimed that the OSD polo shirt was given to him by his older brother, whom he alleged is an actual police officer. However, attempts to verify the existence and identity of this supposed brother have so far been unsuccessful.

AIG Kanneh has condemned Jabaty’s actions, noting that such impersonation severely undermines the integrity and trustworthiness of the police force.

He has instructed investigators to expedite the case to ensure that Jabaty is swiftly brought to justice. AIG Kanneh also emphasized the importance of a strong legal response to deter others from engaging in similar acts of impersonation.

As the investigation continues, the police have assured the public that they will provide further updates on the case, reinforcing their commitment to maintaining law and order in Bo City.