Neocolonialists, imperialists and their local agents within the Sierra Leone government promoting the Biden Administration’s pro-abortion bullying tactics and raw attempt at ideological colonisation against Sierra Leone, claim they want women in Sierra Leone to have rights over their own bodies.
This implies that without the consent of their husbands or love partners, women would have the sole authority to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy.
To illustrate how confused these individuals are. They have named the bill as the ”Safe Motherhood And Reproductive Health Care Bill”. Considering the fact that the Sierra Leone national constitution guarantees the right to life and it’s an entrenched clause, one is tempted to ask : what is ’safe’ about a bill that fails to protect the life of the unborn baby ?
Misguided promoters of this very distasteful legislation have failed to consider the potential for overreach and unintended consequences. The so-called bill could infringe upon individual rights, cultural or religious beliefs, and ethical considerations, as it is neatly designed to mandates reproductive health measures that conflict with personal or community values.
Neocolonialist and imperialist local agents within the Sierra Leone government, in their desperate efforts to push the pro-abortion agenda of their neocolonialist and imperialist masters, have deliberately refused to understand that abortion is neither health care nor an internationally recognised human right.
Therefore, it is entirely deceptive to include the word “Safe” in the title of the bill.
Same idea. I commented earlier with similar relevant point.
The people who made this bill will definitely end in hell if they don’t repent of this wicked law.
So if I’m not mistaking they are willingly promoting the killing of innocent unborn babies and what about the father’s and what if the sole called safe abortion bill start to claim the lives of those women who allow themselves to undergo the process then WHAT???
This is a way of intoxication of Religious,societal, traditional and civic human rights which the world detest and now imposed like there is no law at all. Where’s the conscience of those who agree to promote this ungodly inhumane act, what about their children and grandchildren? Do you think if this bill is pass into law your “girls”women”you will have control over them ? They will do hundreds of abortions at will without your consent and you know what that means.
GOD please help mama salone and the rest of the world.
Our government is so stupid to signed such murdering act, they are such a puppet
I wish you guys can wakeup and join the AES, take great example from Senegal’s President and the AES
But they will surely die and meet our creator
May God protect us
It’s totally immortal and Haram. Where are these people taking our country to signed such as bill.
May Allah destroy those who wants to sign such nonsense.
Whether legalize abortion or not, the act of abortion is still in continous progress notwithstanding same being an offence under the Offences against the Persons Act, 1861, I have never seen a person investigated for abortion neither charged to court under the very OAPA. As a result, legalizing the said abortion under the current Motherhood Bill is just making the act of abortion more conspicuous but I see no reason why such should be regarded as evil.
You know if a lady doesn’t want to do abortion,she could use pills, condoms etc instead of aborting right?
Why not education them on preventive pills or methods than abortion?
The word alone is scary ABORTION >It’s the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy,most often perform during 28 weeks of development of the sperm cell. By then the gender of the child could be known.
Killing an innocent unborn child is evil in all aspect. Why do we have fundamental human rights and child right act if abortion is good?
We tend to protect human rights but if you and i were to be aborted by then what would have become of us,cause I know for one that at some point our parents regretted just imagine for a second if that this bill was passed before we were conceived??
I’m sure you and I would be become history… Think and think again
Wait a minute, are the women not committing abortion right now? If the answer is in the positive then why not close the loop hole by allowing women to make their choices.
Have you heard about anyone been arrested or investigated for committing such abortion? If the answer is in the negative then why is it crimilaze without enforcement.
People are missing the point here, law and morality are separate and distinct.
I take your word for it even though they’re seriously indulged into it, it’s evil but don’t you think by allowing all humans to make their choices would hinder the world human rights and its policies or would even make hurt themselves and their loved ones?
From what I’ve seen and heard and learnt over the years whatever thing that was secretly done but later allowed takes a u-turn instead of abortions they would cultivate the phrase “ALLOW TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES” to start other acts all in the name of “allow and choices” . A wise man once said “if you gave your child an INCH they expand it to a YARD” Have you seen how women transform into…. bcuz it’s their choice no more continuation of their family lineage bcuz it’s been legalize in some part of the globe it all started here, I mean from where we are now.
What can you see, if this law is legalize within the next 1 decade ? Just imagine it.
To every action there’s an equal reaction.
I humbly and harmlessly drop my pen 🖊️.
The neo-colonial is this and their agents within the government think that all Salone man munku. This Bill is aimed at undermining the authority of men and ruin the institution of marriage not to mention the erosion of our religious, moral and traditional beliefs.
If it is for the safety of our women, then I support the bill wholeheartedly. Some children are born only to become thieves, kush smokers, highway robbers and APC protesters.
Government need to engage better brains for development, what a sad news killing innocent unborn child. I see no reason for children to be sad 😭 .we are calling on Allah to save us a life and save our country.
God forbid this.
Abortion has always been openly going on in Sierra Leone, so this bill is actually just to legalise it. Every hospital, government or private, carries out abortion which is no big deal in Salone. Even traditional healers carry out abortions mostly successfully. So I don’t see any neocolonialism, be it from Biden, the US or otherwise, in play here.
These politicians are murderer but I’m not shocked because they’ve killed innocent people to get claim the power they’re now enjoying.
I’m not surprised at all. This regime can do anything for money.
God take control of Sierra Leone.
I hate that law or whatever they call it.
They are killing our scientist, lawyers, doctors,etc.
They are not the ones taking care of these abandoned children except few NGOS that we know
All them to struggle to survive as it’s always been it accepted to struggle it makes you stronger,wiser and decisive. Israel is strong today because it has struggle all the days of their lives, read the Bible. Why are we killing the very people whom God has sent or is sending to save this nation????