Gbekor Community in Gbense Chiefdom, Kono District, was struck by tragedy on the night of Monday, June 10th, 2024, when a fierce fire engulfed a dwelling house between the hours of 8 and 9 PM. The incident left the family homeless and in dire need of assistance.

Sahr Gideon Yambasu, a reporter for Eastern Community Radio, shared details of the incident based on second-hand information from his mother, Mrs. Bondu Alpha-Joe. Mrs. Alpha-Joe and her 6-year-old granddaughter, Fatmata Joe, were the only occupants of the house at the time of the fire.

Mrs. Alpha-Joe recounted the harrowing experience: “After completing evening chores and prayers, I decided to rest for a moment in my shop, which is just 3 feet away from the house. While resting, I heard a ‘boom’ sound from inside. Hearing a similar sound again, I rushed to see what was happening. As I tried to open the main door, a female neighbor shouted that there was fire in our room. I opened the door and saw the flames raging from the master bedroom. I called for help and tried to contact my husband and children.”

Despite the swift response from neighbors and community members, the fire had already caused extensive damage by the time help arrived. Firefighters reached the scene but were unable to make a significant impact due to the lateness of their arrival.

The fire resulted in the loss of properties worth thousands of Leones, as well as cash, with some items possibly stolen amidst the chaos. Fortunately, no physical injuries or fatalities were reported. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

In the aftermath, the family is left homeless and vulnerable, with no clothes, food, or valuable possessions. Sahr Gideon Yambasu made a heartfelt plea for assistance: “This ugly situation now leaves my parents and siblings homeless and vulnerable. We are calling on humanitarians to come to our aid.”

The community of Gbekor and the wider public are urged to provide support to the affected family as they navigate this challenging time.