Magistrate Santigie Bangura of Pademba Road Magistrate Court No. 2 in Freetown has remanded eighteen-year-old footballer Musa Kamara after he made another appearance before the court on three counts: Conspiracy to commit a felony, Robbery with aggravation contrary to section 23(1)(a) of the Larceny Act 1916, as repealed and replaced by Section 1 of the Death Penalty Act 2021 Act No. 6 of 2022, and Assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

According to the particulars of the offense, it was alleged that on Sunday, 7th July 2024, at No. 7 Bush Water Road, Kossoh Town, Waterloo in the Western Rural Area of Freetown, the accused conspired with other unknown persons to commit a felony, namely Robbery with aggravation.

On the second count, it was stated that on the above-mentioned date and location, the accused, being armed with a machete, robbed Moinina Kallon of one LG home theater, one Dell computer, two silver chains, one black backpack, and other assorted items with a total value of two hundred and thirty thousand five hundred Leones (230,500), the property of Moinina Kallon.

The third count further stated that on the above date and location, the accused assaulted Moinina Kallon, thereby occasioning actual bodily harm. When the charges were read and explained to the accused, no plea was taken.

Sergeant 9155 Dwight Macarthy, who led the prosecution, presented witness number one, DPC 15236 Abubakar Turay, attached to the Anti-Robbery Unit at the Regional Headquarters East, Ross Road Police Station. He testified that he recognized the accused in the dock and the complainant in this case.

He recalled that on the 11th of July 2024, while on duty at the said office, he was assigned a transferred case of Robbery with aggravation for further investigation. The witness said the case file contained an endorsed medical report, a search warrant, 19 leaves of photographic evidence, the statement of the complainant, two witness statements, and two other interview statements. These statements were produced and tendered in court to form part of the court records.

On the 12th of July 2024, he, along with DPC 19532 Monu, obtained a voluntary caution statement from the accused in Krio, which was recorded in English. After the statement was concluded, it was read over and explained to the accused in Krio, who admitted it to be true and correct by affixing his right-hand thumbprint, witnessed by DPC 19532 Monu, who also signed as the recorder.

The voluntary caution statement of the accused was produced and tendered in court as part of the records, marked as Exhibit G1-7.

On the 19th of July 2024, the witness, along with the said investigator, charged the accused with the offenses he is currently standing trial for. The charge statement was produced and tendered in court as part of the records, marked as Exhibit H1-2.

The accused, who was not legally represented, cross-examined the witness.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Bangura refused bail and ordered that the accused be remanded to the male correctional facility in Freetown. The matter was adjourned to the 22nd of August 2024.