Senior lawyer and law lecturer at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Francis Gabbidon has urged the Sierra Leone Government to deepen their diplomatic ties with Israel.

The senior lecturer reminisced on the good things Israel has done for Sierra Leone in the early days after independence from Britain.

When Sierra Leone gained independence, Israel was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with us,” he said.

He added that the Middle-Eastern nation used to have an Embassy in Freetown for their diplomats at Signal Hill and Hill Station back then.

Gabbidon also added that the Israelis usad several companies in the country at the time including National Construction Company Ltd, Solel Bo,nem, and Dizen Goff.

The FBC lecturer also highlighted that the country’s Parliament Building, Bank of Sierra Leone, Oil Refinery, Kingtom Power Station, Cape Sierra Hotel, and Benguema Military Training Barracks and Training School were all constructed by Israelis.

He also noted that several Sierra Leonean students benefitted from scholarships offered by Israel to study in Tel Aviv.

“Sierra Leone should now establish an Embassy in Israel and encourage the government of Israel to re-establish their former Embassy in Sierra Leone,” Gabbidon suggested.

He veteran lawyer that Israel could help us with agriculture, medicine, and technology among other things.

He ended by proposing that the Israelis could help Sierra Leone in the area of intelligence by boosting the capability of the Office of National Security (ONS).
