A 13-year-old girl, Esther Kamara, was injured in a stray bullet shooting during the recent unrest in Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown. The incident occurred on Sunday, November 26, 2023, as sporadic gunfire erupted in the city.
According to reports, Esther was inside her compound when she was struck by a bullet that pierced through her jaw and removed one of her teeth. A witness to the incident stated that the bullet passed through their gate and struck the young girl.
Esther was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital, where she received treatment. The incident sent shockwaves through the city, with many expressing concern for the safety of residents.
The shooting is a reminder of the ongoing tensions in Sierra Leone, which has been grappling with political and economic instability in recent years. The government has called for calm and urged residents to remain vigilant.
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It’s really sad for this innocent child to go through this kind of pain, I pity those yarning for war.
So sorry young girl, speedy recovery
It so sad