A young Sierra Leonean fugitive Joseph Mansaray has been declared wanted for allegedly stealing  over 120 million Leones from his Boss

Mansaray has been employed for over six months by his female Boss at SSS Camp. The fugitive recently reported for work and carted away a bag that contains over 120 million Leones with her Boss car keys

Unfortunately, the said money was meant for the purchase of a car. The bag also contains vital documents and other  belongings. Key among the items that were in the bag are 70million leones, 3,000pounds, $500 and a wallet containing 750,000  Leones.

Considering the confidence and love she holds for the young man, Mansaray’s female Boss is still in shock as she is struggling to recover from this unfortunate incident.

The matter has been reported to the Sierra Leone Police for further investigation. Joseph Mansaray is on the run, and handsome reward of five million awaits anybody that can help with her location