Lawyer Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara (JFK) has made a renewed bail application for Alpha Sheriff, commonly known as APC Sheriff, and Abdul Karim Mans who are currently facing criminal charges for operating a private security company named Samura and Chericoco without a license.

At Justice Adrian Fisher’s High Court on Tuesday JFK argued their voluntary return to the police station after a prison break on November 26th, 2023. He said the prosecution hasn’t presented any witnesses so far, highlighting that the seriousness of the offense alone shouldn’t solely determine bail.

He stressed the accused’s commitment to attending court proceedings and argued that nine months in prison for a “bailable offense” like operating an unlicensed security company is excessive punishment.

State Counsel Yusif Sesay expressed concerns that releasing the accused on bail could pose a flight risk. He challenged the defense’s claim of a voluntary return, suggesting they were forcefully apprehended.

He highlighted the delay in the case due to the accused’s absence and emphasized the potential security threat due to the alleged possession of illegal arms and operating without a license.

Kamara objected to the prosecution’s introduction of new issues not mentioned in the original bail application.

After hearing arguments from both sides, Justice Fisher adjourned the hearing and is expected to deliver his ruling on March 19th, 2024.