Violence erupted in Khonimaka Chiefdom, Kambia District, after residents clashed with their Paramount Chief, PC Kandeh Kabba Sedu. The incident occurred on Thursday when PC Sedu discovered an illegal checkpoint on a chiefdom road.
Tensions flared when PC Sedu attempted to dismantle the unauthorized checkpoint. Youths from the chiefdom headquarters town of Kabaya confronted the Paramount Chief with sticks, inflicting injuries including a swollen eye. Additionally, one house was burned down and other villagers were reportedly injured.
Police are currently investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made so far.
This incident is the latest chapter in a long-running saga of discontent with PC Sedu’s leadership. Residents have accused him of lacking transparency and accountability, and of prioritizing the Chiefdom Speaker over themselves in government and other matters.
The alleged assault has further strained relations between PC Sedu and his fellow Paramount Chiefs in the district. Reports suggest a “deep tongue fight” among them, leading most of the other Paramount Chiefs and the sole Regent Chief to distance themselves from him.
Some residents believe the root of the current conflict lies in PC Sedu’s disputes with his colleagues over Paramount Chieftaincy Management Committee (PCMC) elections. In both 2018 and 2023, PC Sedu reportedly challenged the rotational arrangement and ran against Hon. PC Bai Farma Tass Bubu Ngbak, the Fourth of Magbema Chiefdom, losing both contests narrowly.
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This is indiscipline to the highest degree, how can you abuse an elderly gentle man of the chiefdom. Very unfortunate.
Violence everywhere ohh salon
I felt so bad after watching this video
That man need to be changed he doesn’t deserve the power he need to be changed
How can you assault your own paramount chief, please papa Government action needed to take seriously against that man.if not the same repeat in another chiefdom
This matter must be handle by more experience investigators because this case is too deep. But anyway let the law take it course. The youths should not have taken the law into their own hands. This is very embarrassing, please let all the Paramount chiefs in Sierra Leone take this matter seriously.
I’m not surprised
Tolongbo youths are desperate and dangerous.
They are Barbarians with no respect for the rule of law.
Lawless tolongbo youths
Those ones are slpp supporters
This is complete lawlessness by the youth’s of that chiefdom
Please papa govt take a complete action against those village boys or else the same repeat in another chiefdom.
The politics of Khonimaka is a very dangerous one which I foresee to go a very long way. How can you have a situation wherein the subjects lack total respect for their chieftain? I was working there when his vehicle was about to be set ablaze and how that case ended. People are failing to realize that he is the paramount chief. Dirty politics at play there
This is indiscipline to the highest degree, how can you beat up the crowned chief,unbelievable, let’s law take delet with those who involved.
The law should take it course and any stake holder, should also face the law to the highest degree.
The conflict in question should be separately investigated devoid of allegations levied against P.C.Sedu. The illegal mounting of checkpoint is unacceptable and lawless . Why should the the whole district P Cs be against him.? Or is it unlawful to contest the present PCMP? Those involved in the violence should be investigated irrespective of who or what they are representing.
Where is the Council of Paramount Chiefs. The Council should take necessary action to restore the dignity of the PC and that peace should reign in that Chiefdom. Nobody has the right to take the law into his own hands