Despite the absence of authorization for a planned protest scheduled for today, Monday, September 11th, a significant number of Port Loko residents, including youths, children, and elderly individuals, gathered and marched through the streets at approximately 10 am this morning.

In response to the situation, security forces were present alongside the protesters, working to prevent any escalations. At one point, protesters attempted to block Kambia Road near the Munku market area, but the police successfully intervened and removed the obstruction.

The protest originated from the central area of Port Loko City, where voices chanted slogans like “Maada must go, we want peace,” echoing throughout the town’s major streets. Consequently, marketplaces, shops, and various public institutions remained closed for the day. While a few students attended school, the majority chose to stay home.

Fortunately, there have been no conflicts resulting in casualties or injuries so far.