The Koidu New Sembehun City Council has concluded its ordinary monthly meeting for the month of May, 2024 which was officially opened by the Chief Administrator, Francis M. Tiffa and briefly outlined the agenda, thereby giving an overview of the essence of holding ordinary monthly Council meetings.

Councillor Juliet Mambu moved the motion to adopt the agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Memunatu Jalloh.

In his address to councilors, and the general public, the mayor of Koidu New Sembehun City Council, His Worship Komba Sam outlined his developmental strives ranging from efforts made by the Council in the fight against substance and drug abuse, his plan to addressing the age long NASSIT issues,  successes and challenges in ongoing projects.

He further encouraged the councillors to see development as their mantra for being part of the 5th council. He quided the councillors on how the ward committee would be established for the 5th council.

The chief administrator Francis M. Tiffa, in his management update on the council’s successes and challenges,  commended his team of staff for their relentless efforts for the achievement made by the council. In outlining the council successes, the chief administrator briefly threw light on the status of the Resilience Urban Sierra Leone Project (RUSLP), JICA’s support to the council on waste management.

He assured residents of Koidu New Sembehun City of the council’s commitment to service delivery, and strived to manage public expectations and respond to the needs of the residents while diligently working to ensure their safety

As usual, councillors were allowed to respond to the mayor’s speech the Chief Administrator’s management update and other matters arising.

As stakeholders of the council, the chiefdom speaker of Tankoro Chiefdom, chief S.B Gando, and the paramount chief of Gbense Chiefdom were in attendance, and they both made their commitment to support the council achieve its plans.