The Minister of Internal Affairs, Major General David Taluva has revealed that in the first three months in 2024, his Ministry has recorded two hundred and ninety-six (296) cases related to drugs in Sierra Leone.

The minister made this disclosure during the national town hall meeting organized by the Ministry of Information and Civic Education on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre, on the general call to fight against Kush.

The Minister further stated that they have disrupted with a great impact the supply chain of the menace, stating that if the supply chain is drastically disrupted, the harmful substance (Kush) will be scarce in the market for drug dealers and consumers (victims).

“Kush fight is a community fight; not only by police or government” Minister Taluva said, while showering praises on many of the community members across the country for providing information to authorities leading to the arrest of suspects and confiscation of huge quantum of substances. He noted that, after the formation of the national task force announced by Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, his ministry will provide toll free lines.

While delivering his statement, the Inspector General of Police William Fayia Sellu, said the police have a zero tolerance policy on drug, stating that three police officers, one prison officer and a military officer have been charged to court on drug related offences. He added that ninety-nine (99) parcels of marshmallows have been confiscated and investigations are ongoing.

In his statement, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mohamed Lamin Tarawallie stated that the Kush menace, despite its impact, should be handled in accordance with the laws of the land, citing the presumption of innocence until proven guilty principle. He further stated that, so far, the court has charged sixteen (16) people for Kush related offences. He added that viewing the far-reaching impact of Kush, they, at the justice sector, have tightened the sentence processes to make it stronger.

Hon Abdul Kargbo, the opposition leader in parliament stated that when a country is faced with a moral crisis, party politics should be laid aside, adding that this was replicated during the Ebola and COVID pandemics. He added that the opposition is not an opponent but a proponent to development, assuring that they are willing to support the government in defeating Kush in the country.