A video featuring a distressed traveler, identified as Fatmata Samara, has gone viral on social media, raising concerns about the handling of luggage at Lungi International Airport and the Sea Coach service.

In the video, Samara recounts her frustration after discovering that her suitcase had been tampered with.

According to her, the lock she used to secure her belongings had been replaced with a different one by the time she unpacked at home.

Rather than forcibly opening the altered lock, Samara has chosen to report the matter to both airport authorities and the Sea Coach service, demanding an investigation into what she described as “unacceptable.”

Samara shared her experience as a cautionary tale for fellow travelers, encouraging them to find better ways to safeguard their belongings while traveling.

Her story has sparked concern and debate on social media, with many users calling for improved security measures at both the airport and Sea Coach service.

Neither the airport nor the Sea Coach service has issued a response to the allegations yet.

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