The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) has on the 21st June 2024 concluded a two-day workshop from in Bo, aimed at enhancing the implementation of the Feed Salone initiative through a robust integrated monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.

The workshop started on the 2oth June, 2024 and was focused on equipping stakeholders with the tools needed to track progress, plan for emerging issues, and proactively build resilience in Sierra Leone’s food systems.
In his statement, the Chief Agriculture Officer, Professor Abdulahi Jalloh emphasized the need for an enhanced system to keep stakeholders informed about Feed Salone’s progress, adding that, Collaboration and coordination with partners are essential to ensure data consistency and promote publications based on uniform data in the system.
Peter Kaindaneh from the Presidential Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Food Security highlighted Planning Evaluation Monitoring and Statistics Division’s role in economic planning and decision-making. He noted his office’s close collaboration with MAFS to monitor Feed Salone activities, stressing the importance of various projects under the Ministry, including FSRP, AVDP, RAIC, SLARI, and SCADeP, working together to support the initiative.
He also pointed out the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) as part of the government’s efforts to address concerns related to Feed Salone.
Speaking on how the system can track progress, the Acting Director of PEMSD, Mr. Umaru Sankoh, revealed the significance of enhancing the M&E system to produce credible and coherent data as well as highlighting how the system can track project progress, align with partners, and address challenges of data inconsistency within the same value chain in Sierra Leone.
Dr. James Edwin, Director General of National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency, acknowledged that inefficiencies in accessing reliable data for value chains hinder economic development.
He urged the Ministry to reference past challenges, factors, and achievements as benchmarks for Feed Salone and added that the NaMEAs mandate is to supervise all MAFS activities using a sound M&E system for tracking.