Youths in Makeni took a stand against drug addiction on Saturday, March 30th, 2024, with a powerful “FIST AGAINST KUSH” walk.

The walk, themed “STAY SHARP, DITCH THE KUSH,” aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of drug use and promote a healthier lifestyle for the community.

The event kicked off at the Wusum Mini Stadium, where participants divided into groups and marched through Makeni’s major streets. Positive messages against drug use were delivered throughout the walk, culminating at the Makeni City Plaza.

Organizers emphasized a multifaceted approach to tackling addiction. Aminata Gba Kamara highlighted the importance of open dialogue with those struggling with drug use, promoting understanding and support alongside discouragement.

Halimatu Jalloh stressed the need for government intervention, urging authorities to track down drug importers and strengthen border controls to prevent the influx of harmful substances.

Participants like Hassan echoed the need for a collective effort. They believe everyone has a role to play in combating drug abuse.

The “FIST AGAINST KUSH” campaign extends beyond the walk. Organizers plan to expand their outreach efforts to communities across the district and region, fostering ongoing dialogue and raising awareness on a wider scale. This collaborative approach, with sustained efforts, has the potential to make a significant impact on the well-being of the community by effectively combating drug addiction.