A prominent figure in Pujehun District, Mamawa Kaikai, the District Mammy Queen has issued a stern warning, declaring that women will take to the streets in protest and walk without clothes if immediate action is not taken to eradicate the growing issue of kush intake in the region.
She said this during the Operation No More Kush campaign in Pujehun, carried out by women in Pujehun District.
Mammy Queen emphasized the detrimental impact this has on communities, both within the country and beyond its borders, hence, vowed to publicly shame anyone involved in the trade of Kush.
It could be recalled that the Sierra Leone Police declared “operation no more ghettos” in the Pujehun District, resulting in the destruction of prominent ghettos across the district and the arrest of certain individuals in possession of illegal substances, most of whom were charged to court.
As tension rises, Mammy Queen’s call for a unclad protest underscores the urgency of the situation.
Thanks. Mammy Queen
Good work
Instead of you Protesting and walking naked, you can help the police to arrest dealers of illegal drugs. If you go naked, you will be arrested judge and if guilty, you will go to prison.