Mamz Beach Bar, a beloved hotspot in Freetown, found itself reduced to rubble in a sudden demolition operation. The management of Mamz Beach Bar has expressed profound disappointment at the manner in which the demolition was carried out, citing lack of proper notification and excessive force by security personnel.

According to a statement released by the Management of Mamz Beach Bar, they were taken aback by the aggressive approach employed during the demolition process. They maintained their adherence to the law and highlighted their cooperation with authorities, including attendance at meetings organized by the National Tourist Board.

In a stark deviation from what was communicated during these meetings, Mamz Beach Bar alleged that the demolition commenced without prior warning, catching them off guard. The operation, conducted with the aid of armed personnel, reportedly began from the foundation, leaving no opportunity for the removal of valuable assets such as documents, money, electronics, and furniture.

The loss incurred by Mamz Beach Bar is estimated to be in the millions of leones, encompassing not only material possessions but also vital documents and equipment essential for business operations. The sudden and forceful nature of the demolition has left the management and patrons reeling in shock and disbelief.

In response to this unfortunate event, the Management of Mamz Beach Bar has called for calm among its patrons and supporters. Despite the setback, they urge everyone to remain composed and law-abiding while awaiting further developments regarding the fate of other establishments along Lumley Aberdeen Beach.

Furthermore, the management has raised pertinent questions regarding the authorization behind the demolition, particularly the absence of representatives from the National Tourist Board during the operation. They demand clarity on who sanctioned the action and seek swift accountability from the relevant authorities.

As Mamz Beach Bar grapples with the aftermath of the demolition, they vow to pursue avenues for redress and justice. Their resolve to rebuild and continue serving their loyal clientele remains unwavering, bolstered by the outpouring of support from the community.

In solidarity with Mamz Beach Bar, patrons and well-wishers are encouraged to stand by them during this challenging period. The management assures that they will exhaust all legal avenues to seek restitution for the damages incurred and seek assurance that such incidents will not recur in the future.

Amidst the rubble lies the resilience and determination of Mamz Beach Bar, a testament to the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship and community strength. As they navigate through this adversity, Mamz Beach Bar remains a symbol of resilience, poised to rise from the ashes and reclaim its position as a beloved establishment in Freetown.