Police at the Criminal Investigations Department of Pujehun are currently investigating a suspected murder case that has sent shockwaves through the local community.

Kondoh is alleged to have murdered his friend, Ngagba, following suspicions of an extramarital affair between Ngagba and Kondoh’s wife.

According to initial reports, Kondoh, with the assistance of several accomplices, devised a plan to catch Ngagba in the act. Pretending to have traveled, Kondoh set up a scenario that led to the confrontation.

At approximately 10 PM, Ngagba was reportedly discovered in Kondoh’s matrimonial room with Kondoh’s wife. This led to a violent altercation during which Ngagba was allegedly beaten to death.

The body of Ngagba has been transported to the Pujehun Government Hospital mortuary for a postmortem examination.

Authorities are withholding further details until the autopsy results are available. As of now, no official charges have been filed, but the police are actively pursuing the investigation.