Renowned Sierra Leonean musician Manzu, formerly known as “Manzu avec C-Bolt,” fell victim to theft during the recent Miss Salone Beauty Pageant held at the prestigious Bintumani Complex in Freetown.

Narrating the incident, Manzu explained that the perpetrator approached him under the guise of being a fan and offered to assist him into the Bintumani Hall. The individual not only escorted him but also joined him at the high table, gaining his trust.

“At first, I saw my bag in his hand, but he pretended it was about to fall and handed it back to me,” Manzu recounted. “This act of apparent helpfulness made me trust him.”

However, during the announcement of the pageant winner, the individual seized the opportunity to steal Manzu’s bag and hurriedly fled the venue. Initially believing the bag had simply fallen, Manzu later discovered his wallet on the ground and realized the thief had made a swift getaway.

The stolen bag reportedly contained essential items, including passports, prompting Manzu to appeal to the public for assistance. He urged anyone with information about the thief or the whereabouts of the bag to report to the police or contact him directly.

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