On Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, Marie Stopes Sierra Leone (MSSL) concluded a day-long engagement with the Men’s Club on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Pujehun District. The event, held at the Rural Water Conference Hall along Council Road, aimed to educate men about SRHR, emphasizing the importance of condom use and conducting outreach sensitization activities.
Adama Dorkas Kamara, the Southern Region Marketing Officer of Marie Stopes Sierra Leone (MSSL), highlighted the organization’s operations in providing free, high-quality, and safe family planning methods to women, girls, and men in rural communities across Sierra Leone. MSSL achieves this through 14 mobile clinical teams, each comprising two service providers, one data imputer, a transport assistant, one lead volunteer marketer, and nine community-based volunteers.
Kamara stated that the engagement aimed to raise awareness among Men’s Club members about the availability and benefits of condoms as an effective family planning method. She emphasized the importance of men’s involvement in promoting reproductive health and responsible family planning practices within their communities.
During the event, Kamara provided detailed information on the proper use of condoms and addressed any questions or concerns raised by the participants. She noted that the outreach sensitization activities focused on encouraging men to serve as advocates for family planning services and to share the information with their peers and within their communities.
Kamara said the successful outreach with the Men’s Club in Bongay village demonstrates Marie Stopes Sierra Leone’s (MSSL’s) commitment to reaching out to diverse segments of the population and promoting comprehensive reproductive health services across Sierra Leone’s rural areas.
Edinson Mustapha Minah Int., a teacher at Saint Stephen Technical Vocational Secondary School (STVSS) in Gobaru town, Kpanga Krim Chiefdom, Pujehun District, spoke on behalf of the participants, expressing their appreciation for the engagement and the valuable information provided.