The honorable member of Parliament representing constituency 019 who doubles as the Leader of Government business Mathew Sahr Nyuma has donates food items to fire victims at the opportunity Training Center which host a cross section of disability group in Kenema.

The items included 30 bags of rice 25kg each, two bags of onion, ten gallons of cooking oil, five bags of salt and fifty bundles of pure drinking water.

The MP said the matter is now with members of disaster management and expressed optimism that their cry will be looked into accordingly.

He called on government and other meaningful Sierra Leoneans to come together and give their aid to the fire victims.

He pleaded with the media to make sure they help the victims by propagating their concerns to the public for an immediate and amicable solution.

In response, one of the beneficiaries madam Hawa thanked and appreciated the honorable member for his timely intervention.
She noted that honorable Nyuma has been very helpful to members of the disabled family even before the advent of the fire incident that catered away their properties worth millions.