A popular Okada rider, Mohamed Kamara, widely known as Nani, tragically drowned on September 16, 2024, while attempting to cross the Bumpeh Tabay River near Mattru Jong.

Kamara was using a local boat to travel from Bo to Mattru Jong when the incident occurred. Authorities are investigating the cause of the accident, and his remains have since been recovered and transported to Mattru Jong town.

The loss of Kamara has deeply affected his family, including his pregnant wife, as well as the local community, particularly students from the Mattru School of Nursing who regularly relied on his services.

Kamara’s death brings to light the continued risks locals face in crossing the river after the collapse of a 66-year-old colonial bridge on September 1, 2022. Since then, residents have been forced to use small boats and ferries for daily commutes.

The collapsed bridge, originally built in 1956, was a vital link between Bumpeh and Tikonko chiefdoms, connecting the region’s key towns, such as Mattru Jong, Rutile, and Sarabu.

Its fall has disrupted transportation and economic activities in six chiefdoms that are significant producers of rice, cassava, and diamonds.

In February 2023, the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) signed an $8.5 million contract with Compagnie Sahélienne d’Entreprises (CSE) to construct a new 125-meter-long bridge made of steel and reinforced concrete, funded by the Arab Bank for Economic Development and the Government of Sierra Leone. The contract also promised a temporary barge to facilitate safe crossings while construction was underway.

However, locals have expressed frustration over the slow progress, with little visible work on the bridge and continued reliance on unsafe boats. The community is calling for swift action to prevent further tragedies like the one that claimed the life of Mohamed Kamara.