A strange and quite mysterious writing has been discovered on some rocks close to the Bumbuna Hydro-electric dam at Bumbuna Village, Tonkolili District in Northern Sierra Leone.

The writings, at first glance, resembled Arabic but local imams said it is not.

The writings have also been said look like Egyptian hieroglyphics but has not been officially confirmed.

Speaking to Patriotic Vanguard, US-based Felix Sesay said the villagers were left mystified by the writings.

This is not the first time mysterious discoveries have been made in Sierra Leone.

In 1990, Italian geologist Angelo Pitoni discovered a blue stone at Koya Chiefdom in Port Loko District.

The stone was sent to laboratories around the world and results confirmed that it was unfamiliar with any rock on earth.

The stone resembled a pure turquoise similar to those found on the pecs of Egyptian priests.

Some mythologists have opined that the stone is related to an ancient civilisation that existed in 12,000 BC. Others believed that the stone was dropped by aliens.