Young offender, Tejan Dickson, has been detained by Justice Adrian Fisher at the Male Correctional Centre in Freetown, for what the Court referred to as reckless conduct.

21-year-old Dickson was ordered to be held in custody for laughing and mocking the victim, Linda Macauley, while he was in the dock.

Dickson and seven others are before Justice Fisher on seven counts charges of wounding with intent, assault, and malicious damage, among others. All accused persons had been granted bail in court before this incident.

Fact of the matter shows that Dickson and his relatives had a dispute with their neighbors which lead to a tussle, leaving one of the neighbours Linda Macauley wounded with her properties damaged.

It further stated that the properties including zinc, glass windows, and other household items damaged are worth four million, one hundred and fifty-five thousand old Leones (Nle 4,155.00).

Lawyer representing the accused, Ibrahim Bangura had had an agreement with the prosecution, Solomon Kekura to settle the matter with condition that the accused persons compensate the complainants with one million old Leones (Nle 1,000).

Both lawyers agreed to the terms before the complainant complained before the court that the accused is still laughing and mocking her right in court.

For this reason, Justice Fisher ordered that Dickson be taken into police custody, given the seriousness of the offence and his inappropriate behaviour in court.

Justice Fisher also increased the compensation fees to two million old Leones (Nle 2,000) with conditions that it be paid by Friday, September 8, 2023 or all accused persons (Relatives of Dickson)taken into custody.

The matter was adjourned to Friday, 8th September, 2023.