Muslims belonging to five groups in Bombali district in the northern part of Sierra Leone have teamed up through their charity organisation named “New London Islamic organization” to raise funds for the purchase of a piece of land to become the latest gravesite in the district, to put an end to the problem
grave scarcity in the cosmopolitan city
and its environs.
The five groups that formed the charity non-governmental organization are Masjid Arafa, Masjid Isha, Masjid Rahim, Masjid T.Z and Masjid Forest Road that has since come together some two years ago and established the “New London Islamic Organization” with the sole aim of showing compassion to members, less privileged person in their communities, as well as for the sake of fostering peace and unity amongst Muslims in Bombali District.
For days now, they in collaboration with key stakeholders in the district are currently busy raising funds in a very unique model to get its grave site, a move that comes after the successful completion of a survey carried out in strategic areas where their mosques are located.
Data from the said survey indicated that a total of 599 houses were reached and without delay landlords and caretakers of the houses reached together with chiefs, religious heads and other Muslims have held several meetings with the membership of the New London Islamic Organization where they agreed to contribute the sum to of NLE 250 each that will be dedicated to the fundraising purse for the purchase of a piece of land.
The organization’s Public Relations Officer Musa Santigie Kamara has avowed in an interview with Awoko Newspaper that “all monies to be raised, will solely be for the intended purpose to establish a new grave site soon.
He furthered that the organization is also banking on goodwill ambassadors and other philanthropists within and outside Bombali District to be able to raise enough money for the purchase of the piece of land they want to secure for the establishment of a new grave site which he believes will not only add dignity to incriminating the dead but will as well save several communities in Bombali District from having to dig old graves to bury the dead.