The Gento Group of Companies received clearance from the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee during the 2022 Audit Report Hearing, absolving them of any wrongdoing.

This decision follows the imposition of a NLE 5,000 fine on Kemokai Fatorma for failing to provide necessary documents to auditors.

The controversy arose when allegations surfaced regarding the Gento Group’s involvement in a government road project contract.

The company, led by a former political candidate, was accused of receiving double payments for the same work. The Auditor General’s report highlighted discrepancies in payments, prompting calls for investigations by Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee and the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Despite public outcry and economic challenges in Sierra Leone, the Gento Group attempted to defend itself against the allegations. Today’s ruling offers a potential reprieve for the company as it seeks to rebuild trust and credibility in the aftermath of the controversy.