In a series of actions showcasing the vigilance of the Sierra Leone Police, two individuals are now in custody following their arrests under distinct circumstances.

In a recent operation led by intelligence, the Operations Team of the Sierra Leone Police from the Waterloo Police Division apprehended 27-year-old Hassan Kamara of Samuel Town, Waterloo.

Kamara was arrested at Mabron Village, just outside Waterloo, for donning a full military uniform and impersonating a member of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF). Sources indicate that the military attire in Kamara’s possession had been obtained from Major Mohamed Sheku Sannoh, an officer with the RSLAF Navy Wing based in Tombo.

In a separate incident, Alimamy Kargbo, 29, from Bangura Street, Lumpa, Waterloo, was taken into custody following his arrest at Kono Park, Waterloo, with a fully loaded pistol. Upon questioning, Kargbo revealed he had discovered the weapon in Jui approximately ten days prior.

Both incidents are currently under investigation, and the police are working diligently to ascertain the motivations behind the actions of both men and any potential security implications.

Further updates are expected as investigations proceed.