Over one hundred and fifty kilograms of cannabis sativa was burnt to ashes in the afternoon hours of Saturday, February 25th, 2024 by the leadership of the Mile 91 Police Division under the command of Local Unit Commander, Chief Superintendent of Police Michael Jared Korppomeh Lagga.

Present during the burning down of the drugs were Community stakeholders, representatives of the Local Policing Partnership Board, members of the Drivers Union, Okada riders, Youths, women’s groups, members of the fourth estate, and others.

In an interview with journalists, the Local Unit Commander, CSP Lagga noted that his team arrested the said drugs on diverse dates in 2022 and 2023 during police raids around Masengbeh, Mathibo and Rochen Junction communities in Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone.

During the raids, Chief Superintendent Lagga said the police did not succeed in nabbing people suspected to be owners of the drug.

We have no suspect in custody in respect the drugs in question. This is because in most cases, those engaging in cultivating, selling, and or smoking cannabis will get the information about the coming of the police and they will all disappear leaving the drug behind making it difficult for the police to arrest anyone,” the Police Commander stated.

As part of efforts to curb the taking of harmful, Lagga said he ordered for the drug to be burnt in full view of the public and in the presence of community stakeholders and members. The erudite police officer cautioned those taking cannabis sativa and other harmful substances to consider quitting for their safety. The practice, he stated is harmful and can land one in trouble or jail.

Currently, Chief Superintendent Lagga said they’re engaging in a cleaning exercise, and the process, he says is to make sure that trash and all unwanted materials, documents, and other items are taken off the police stations.

Gibrilla Conteh, a driver, and member of the Mile 91 Drivers Union expressed satisfaction and urged the leadership of the Mile 91 Division to continue the good move.

Conteh affirms the community appreciation to the reforms that have taken place in the Division and community since CSP Lagga took over as the Local Unit Commander.