Inspector and Officer in Command (OC) at the Rokel Police Post, Mohamed Lahun, has been arrested and detained at the Criminal Investigation Department( CID) Headquarters in Freetown, for using a fake Facebook account carrying the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, David John Francis to criminally impersonate and defraud people.
The Report of the preliminary investigations at the Criminal Investigations Department revealed that the accused, Inspector Lahun together with other people are running an Illicit Corporation using fake Facebook Accounts of Prominent People to fool gullible sierra Leonean business people into investing with them and then defraud them of thousands of Leones.
The Report shows that these criminals asks people for a huge sum of money to help them get scholarships and good jobs, as well as faking to help people get passports easier if they pay certain amounts of money.
Many Sierra Leoneans had fallen prey to the defrauding of the illicit corporation run by our so called renowned police officer, who is not even an ordinary police but an officer in command of a whole police post at Rokel village in Freetown.
Investigations are ongoing, however, the CID and the Cyber Unit, had discovered mobile phones registered with various Foreign Numbers that were being used to defraud people.