The Kissy Division police, under the leadership of Local Unit Commander CSP Bob Musa Mansaray, successfully apprehended two suspects linked to a spate of robberies in the Kissy Mental Home community.

The suspects, identified as Mohamed Alhaji Kamara, alias “Youngest,” and Yusuf Turay, also known as “Tommy Lee,” were captured during an intensive operation in the challenging hilly terrain surrounding the community.

Both suspects reside at 14 Upper Thompson Street, a location now under scrutiny by law enforcement.

Local residents, who have long endured the anxiety brought by these criminal activities, have expressed their relief and gratitude towards the Kissy Division police for their steadfast efforts in safeguarding their community.

The duo, along with several stolen items, including mobile phones, are now in custody, with investigations being conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Kissy Division.