Ahmed Muckson Sesay, the President of the National Association of Farmers in Sierra Leone who was arrested with a shotgun and detained has been released on bail.

Sesay was arrested on Saturday 30th March 2024 at his residence in Mamaka village, Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom, in the Northern District of Tonkolili and he was released in the afternoon hours of Monday 1st April 2024.

The reasons for his release are still unknown and the Mile 91 Police Division Local Unit Commander who led the team of armed policemen to Sesay’s residence is currently not available for comment.

However, anonymous sources say his release came as a result of the intervention of a plethora of prominent politicians and other influential people in and out of Mile 91. The sources remain anonymous for security reasons.

Following reports of shooting of live gunshots around a place called Makomp, a farmland that is being claimed and fought over by Mamaka, Muckson’s hometown, and Mabai, a neighboring village, the police raided and searched Sesay’s residence, and the gun and cartridges were discovered.

Several allegations have pointed fingers at Muckson Sesay as being the one igniting chaos in the area.

SierraLoaded contacted Sesay via WhatsApp a few days ago to respond to allegations that he knows about the shooting and chaos going on in the area, but he hasn’t responded, though he promised to do so after a workshop he said he has with some local farmers in his hometown of Mamaka.

According to a video shared on WhatsApp by one of his brothers, Muckson was seen walking out of the Mile 91 Police Station with a large crowd of people mostly his family members behind him.

In the video, a voice was heard saying “This is Ahmed Muckson Sesay the newly elected President of the National Farmers Association who was wrongly accused and detained unlawfully. He has been granted bail today.”

However, the speaker in the video did not tell who wrongly accused him.

The speaker in the video further says Muckson is innocent and he’s a law-abiding citizen when they check his history.

Also, the speaker did not tell the basis he is proving Muckson’s innocence.

Lately, the issue has been the talk of the community, especially from people who have been following the unfortunate skirmishes and threats the said land dispute has posed in the area.